Molly's Pad

Molly joined the household in December, 2000 at the tender age of 10 weeks. She is a champagne Burmese and was born in Dunedin, Florida at the Jamdilcoo Cattery.

Though she initially missed her mom-cat and siblings, she soon learned that she was the master of a whole new house and the recipient of all of everybody's attention, and that was pretty heady stuff for a 10 week old kitten. At first, she was confined to only one room, gradually being allowed into more and more of the house until she earned full house privileges.

This is a recent picture of Molly as a 15 year old adult.

Sadly, Molly left us at the end of her 15th year

Look on this wall of her 'pad' for pictures of some of her daily activities.

Molly heard about some feline-philosophy that she thought made extremely good sense:
A big cat saw a little cat chasing its tail and asked, "Why are you chasing your tail so?" The kitten answered, "I have learned that the best thing for a cat is happiness, and that happiness is in my tail. Therefore, I am chasing it; and when I catch it, I shall have happiness."
Said the old cat, "My son, I, too have paid attention to the problems of the universe. I, too, have judged that happiness is in my tail. But I have noticed that whenever I chase after it, it keeps running away from me, and when I go about my business, it just seems to come after me wherever I go." (C.I.James)

When Molly was a youngster, she was prone to hero worship. One of her heros was Scarlett. You may remember reading about the brave cat that rescued her five kittens from a burning building in New York , carrying them across the street one by one. Her name reflects the burns she received doing this . Another hero was Snapshot, the kitty in Tampa Palms who warned her sleeping family of dangerous levels of carbon monoxide escaping from the exhaust of an auto left running in the garage and probably saved their lives. Molly admires the very famous kitten named Chessie. You can read about Chessie here. And talk about brave cats, check this out.

        Molly has pictures of her Poppa and Momma and she would like to show them off to folks visiting her pad. Aren't they a handsome pair? They are both sable Burmese but have some champagne genes in their background and Molly had the good fortune to get one of them, as she is champagne in color.   

Molly loves her champagne color but she would agree that ALL Burmese are equally wonderful. Actually, she never heard of ANY cat of ANY breed that wasn't unique and special.

Molly has many friends from around the country. Some she has met and some she has exchanged photos with and she decided to use one wall of her 'pad' to display these pictures. Please look on this wall to see them.

Molly's guardian went to a cat show recently and got to meet Colin Powell - Colin Powell, the cat, that is. He sure is a handsome feller, that's for sure.

For entertainment, Molly sometimes goes to this site to read all about Beauregard's Grand Adventure. It takes about a half-hour to read so she only goes when she isn't pressed for time.

Molly thinks that Albert Schweitzer was a very wise man when he said "There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats." Molly sometimes enjoys having poetry read to her. This is one of her favorite poems:


Cats sleep fat and walk thin
Cats, when they sleep, slump
When they wake, pull in -
And where the plump's been
There's skin
Cats walk thin

Cats wait in a lump,
Jump in a streak
Cats, when they jump, are sleek
As a grape slipping its skin -
They have technique
Oh, cats don't creak

Cats sleep fat
They spread comfort beneath them
Like a good mat,
As if they picked the place
And then sat,
You walk around one as if he were the
City hall after that.

Cats fit
In any size box or kit,
And if a large pumpkin grew under one,
He could arch over it.
When everyone is just ready to go out
The cat is just ready to come in.
He's not where he's been.
                                                                                                                                                                      author unknown

Recently, Molly moved into a new home. At first, she wasn't very happy about all of the commotion
but when she discovered her very own picture window that provided great viewing of all the birds,
squirrels and lizards, she decided she would stay, after all.

Molly is very happy that she is a cat, although she does care about all other animals, too. She realizes how lucky she is to have a guardian who sees that she is well cared for but she realizes that there are many, many animals in the world who are sick, neglected and in great need of help. She hopes that you will visit this site and click on the link that will provide food for needy animals.

Molly was made aware of the great

contributions that cats have made to the medical

field. It was already known that pets in the home

generally reduce stress levels. But now it is also

known that cats outperform dogs in this endeavor.

Cat lovers already knew this, of course.

Under the category of "things you never wondered about" comes this:

On October 2, 2008, one of the winners of the 2008 Ig Nobel prize in biology was awarded at Harvard University by the Annals of Improbable Research to Marie-Christine Cadiergues, Christel Joubert and Michel Franc for discovering that fleas that live on a dog can jump higher than fleas that live on a cat.

"Thousands of years ago, cats were worshipped as gods. Cats have never forgotten this"

< >< > Home< >< > Porch< >< > Family Room< >< > Kitchen< >< >
< >< > Playroom< >< > Daisy's Hangout< >< > Library< >< > Music Room< >< > Attic< >< > Guest Room< >< > Spare Room< >< >

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